Welcome to the world of
virtual cardiology

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About Us

We are 3 Cardiology doctors working in the UK, keen to continue the digital transformation of cardiology education in the post-COVID era. Since the first COVID wave, we have been organising weekly webinars from national experts to support Cardiology education for all.

As much of training has moved to a virtual platform, we have arranged our webinars into “training days” that mirror the Cardiology curriculum, with planned assessments of learning and certificates of attendance.

We believe virtual education is here to stay – it’s easy to arrange, and offers high quality, flexible learning, to anyone and everyone across the globe. We thank our sponsor (Liverpool Heart & Chest Hospital) for supporting us build this site.


Vishal Luther

Consultant Cardiologist & Electrophysiologist at the Liverpool Heart & Chest Hospital UK.

Balrik Kailey

Cardiology registrar & NIHR fellow at Hammersmith Hospital

Dr Damanpreet Dev

Damanpreet Dev

Cardiology registrar at Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

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External Webinars

We welcome other webinars, courses, recordings onto our website. Please get in contact with info@cardiowebinars.com